One of the icons of contemporary avant-garde art in Brazil, plastic artist Rubens Gerchman composed Garrincha – an aesthetic football series using serigraphy to outline the bust of the Botafogo and Brazilian national team idol. Photograph: Rubens Gerchman | Instituto Rubens Gerchman.
Editing of the films Garrincha, alegria do povo (1962) and Macunaíma (1969), both by Joaquim Pedro de Andrade, bringing together the figures of the player Mané Garrincha and the literary character Macunaíma, by Mário de Andrade. Duration: 5min48s
Video Garrincha, alegria do povo: Direction and Screenplay: Joaquim Pedro de Andrade | Distribution: Herbet Richers
Video Macunaíma: Direction and Screenplay: Joaquim Pedro de Andrade
Editing: Mira Filmes